
Our Teaching and Learning Analytics team brings relevant student data to campus advisors, faculty, chairs, and deans with the goal of providing actionable information to improve student outcomes.

Enrollment Management Analytics provides actionable intelligence pertaining to student enrollment for the UCI community. The EMA team develops customized data analytics tools—trends, discoveries, projections, and insights—for departments across campus.

The Compass Explorer portal is UCI’s front door to student success analytics tools created by TLA, EMA, OIR and other groups. Explorer provides access to a comprehensive catalog of tools, dashboards, reports, and analytics to track and improve student outcomes.

The Student Data Warehouse (SDW) is a secure, centralized, data repository that integrates data from various sources to empower faculty, staff, and students to make data-informed decisions. The SDW stores curated current and historical data in support of operational reporting, institutional analytics, and research.

The MAPSS (UCI Metrics & Analytics Promoting Student Success) Certificate Program is a top-tier data analytics training program for campus faculty and staff. It includes online and in-person courses in data literacy/analytics/tools, with examples from academia and UCI.

DATA GPS is a community of practice forum with training resources, job aids, discussion boards, and expert advisors. It’s a tool for campus users to learn best practices, tips and tricks, and how units on campus are leveraging data.